A range of colourful pages from a document called "He Waka Roimata – Transforming Our Criminal Justice System"

Hāpaitia: te Oranga Tangata

A branding and publication design piece for Te Uepū, the Safe and Effective Justice advisory group for the Ministry of Justice, which included a hui to discuss effective criminal justice reform, and follow-up research and publications.

Branding was developed alongside Len Hetet (Ngāti Tuwharetoa, Ngāti Maniapoto, Te Atiawa, Ngāti Apa) and his tohu design based on a pair of parent and child tohorā, and was designed for The Hive Creative.

This project included:

  • The design of a range of publications and reports,
  • Branding  and lockup design alongside the designer of the original tohu,
  • Large scale print design for use at the hui,
  • Large scale digital assets,
  • Small scale merchandise brand application and design.